The Real Gospel


  1. KyleHendrickson said...
    I'm curious to know what other folks think about this. This message is clearly a condensed version of a larger concept. The video strikes me as swinging the pendulum way back to balance out the lie of the prosperity gospel. But, God is love, and since he can do all things, I doubt that Jesus is hoping America will be plunged into deep suffering, not when the Spirit can do all kinds of powerful good without crushing people first... The book of Acts records many accounts of occasions where thousands were saved at a time, but this was due to the power of the Spirit's testimony and the testimony of the apostles, prophets, and evangelists of the early church, not suffering. I know that Hebrews says we're perfected by walking through our sufferings with Jesus and for Jesus; where does it say that suffering on its own brings folks to Jesus? Whether or not its due to the editing or brevity of the message, Piper comes across here as over-the-line; that's my initial impression. Not feeling the love and joy that exudes from the real gospel...
    Annie said...
    Good point Kyle. God should be glorified both through our joy and our suffering so I suppose this doesn't encompass all that is the gospel. But I also agree with John Piper that God is most glorified when we are suffering and praising Him.....because that is when the world expects us to be angry with God.
    KyleHendrickson said...
    Good answer. :)
    I think if I had some context for what he was saying, it would have helped tremendously. This isn't the kind of thing one leads off with in a sermon or drops on folks out of the blue, and it was obviously intended as reproof for christians, so I get that.
    Thanks for sharing it. It's good to get challenged from as many directions as possible and struggle and renew the mind. Cheers.

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