On the outside I look like a perfectly normal woman in her twenties but underneath I am really quite an oddball. Here are a few examples of my quirks and what makes me....special.

1) I have more than twenty nutcrackers that my Mom has given me over the years (and I love) BUT I hate the Nutcracker ballet. I hate the music, the set design and especially the story line. Just the thought of this ballet annoys me and yet, I like going to any other ballet. Weird, I know.

2) I have issues with what I call re-breathing. For instance, say it is a super cold day and you are wearing a heavy scarf around your neck. Any normal person would pull the scarf up over their nose and just expose their eyes to the cold. Not me, I can't deal with the feeling of breathing warm air that I have already breathed.

Let's not even talk about the fact that the warm air in question has already been sucked of nearly all its actual oxygen and is now just carbons monoxide (dioxide? not sure) but instead focus in on that icky clammy feeling that you get with warm air all around your mouth, yuck!

This rule also applies to other people's used air. For example, if Ryan and I are cuddling on the couch and he breaths near my mouth I have to move my head for fear that I might breath his re-breathed air....I told you I was strange.

3) I like the smell of skunks and I don't like the smell of lavender or vanilla.

4) I like the heel of the bread more than the rest of the slices. I will sometimes take two heel pieces and toast them both to make the best, and crunchiest, peanut butter toast EVER!

5)I hate ER....the show. I think it has been on TV for way too long and I am sick of seeing commercials claiming that this weeks episode is the most intense episode in ER history. Usually when I see a commercial for ER I will actually say outloud "Stupid ER."

6) I don't listen to "good" music. I never jumped on the rap train when it was popular (see I don't even know if rap is cool anymore) and usually I am clueless when someone is talking about a new song. Truth be told, I listen to country music, worship music and classical....that's pretty much it.

7) In the same vein of #6, I love Dolly Parton and if I could see anyone in concert it would probably be her.

8) It annoys me when other people refer to soda as pop....which is what most people in Washington call soda. This is not a judgement of other people, I realize that this is my problem but it still kinda drives me nuts.

9) I drive too fast when I'm happy and too slow (under the speed limit) when I'm in deep thought.

10) It makes me crazy when people walk their dogs without a leash. I don't care if you think your dog is well trained and will not eat me, just put your dog on a leash!

11) Birds creep me out.

12) I won't order a hot chocolate if it's made with Hershy's syrup. Hershy's syrup is not chocolate, it's brown sticky sugar.

Ok that's all I can think of, do you have any funny quirks?


  1. kellycowan said...
    look at all these things i learned about you!!! i like this!!! (i am going to keep my breathing as far away from you as possible. have you thought about carrying around a portable air purifier???)
    Marjorie said...
    I'm totally with you on the rebreathing thing. And I get freaked out if I can't breathe through my nose. If someone jokingly pinches my nose, even if my mouth is not blocked, I go into panic mode. I'm a real hoot when I try to swim. You're on your own on the skunk smell, though. That's just weird!! :o)
    Destiney said...
    Great list! I don't like rebreathing or vanilla either! But I'm not a fan of skunk.

    Weird quirks: Numbers are cool...when a paper towel dispenser in public bathrooms has a "pump" or "spin" handle, I always have to move it 5 times. Yes, I count to five in my head. And if each pump dispenses too much towel, I'll shorten my pump so as to not be wasteful. :) I like numbers. I always count how many planes are lined up at LAS airport whenever I'm near it. My record: 8 in a row getting ready to land!
    Emily said...
    That's so funny - I love Dolly Parton too! You should download her version of "In the Sweet By and By" - soooo pretty.
    Jessi said...
    this is making me peeeee my pants. I love it. your rebreathing is hilarious as is the skunk smell. Annie, that is SO weird. and i LOVE IT!
    kalle said...
    i'm late on this blog, but it's like my favorite ever. you are so weird! me too. here's a good one... i type things people say in every day conversation. I mean i literally move my fingers as if they are on a keyboard, typing the conversation.

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